This was constructed from an old beer keg and had a pipe that ran from the keg through a copper coil in the campfire and back to the keg. It also has a pump that was connected to a car battery to circulate the water.
The hot water service
We launched about 9.30 am and paddled to Corowa about 30 km away. Just as we arrived we passed a bloke we had seen earlier at the campsite paddling in the opposite direction. We couldn't work out how he got there before us without overtaking us. He said he had taken an anabranch. Being younger and very fit and carrying no cargo he was faster than us.
By the time we got to Corowa we were both feeling quite tired probably due to the heat and not having stopped for a break. Pulling up on the beach near the carpark I (Joe) was clumsy getting out of the kayak in front of an audience of parents and kids. How embarrassing!
We booked into the caravan park and then went shopping for a new tent pole for Simon as he had broken his. Sadly there was no joy in the 2 stores with camping gear. I had a metal sleeve so he was able to make a temporary repair using that and some duct tape.
In the evening we went to the pub for dinner. Simon's 1st beer did not touch the sides! So he had another and then a third for good measure. It was a very enjoyable meal.
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