Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 2 Thunderbird Lake to Turner Bend (All the Rivers Run Caravan Park) 40 km

We were up early packing and having breakfast. The wind was still blowing however the rain had gone. We launched the kayaks at 7.30 am and paddled in sunshine. On bends in the river facing south and south west the wind was opposed to the current and this created waves. We worked hard into the wind and less hard down wind alternately. This was the pattern all day.
Simon had just launched through the trees

After 2 hours we rounded a bend to find 2 kayaks on a beach, One red, one yellow and 2 middle-age men camped there, It was like that scene in Harry Potter where Harry and Hermione see themselves across the lake. We pulled up and had a break and a chat. Wayne and Phil? They were doing a similar trip to us having paddled Albury to Yarrawonga last year and started again at Yarrawonga 2 weeks ago.
                 Our doppelgängers - sort of but taller

We pushed on to Deep Creek Marina. The map showed that there was a shop and hotel there however the shop was closed and up for sale and the pub wasn’t open. We really do need to research these shops etc. before our trips to see if they are still operating. We would have been in real trouble if we had planned to buy fuel at this marina. We had hard boiled eggs and cheese and biscuits for lunch. We were just finishing when the other guys turned up, They were disappointed about the shop as they were looking forward to a hamburger.

Deep Creek Marina

According to my plan Torumbarry Weir was only 12 km further, we had already covered 28 km however I had misread the map. When we reach the 1648 marker there was nothing there. The map showed a caravan park and after a little exploring we found it. We decided to stay although it was rather basic. No pub no beer!

Our 2nd navigational mishap occurred after setting up camp. Google Maps showed the township of Torumbarry was only 3.7 km away and it had a pub and general store. We decided to walk there carrying a few thousand flies on our backs only to be disappointed and there was nothing to be found when Siri announced we had arrived at our destination.

Back at camp we had sardines and pasta for dinner before heading off to bed. It was the night of the “Super Moon” but we were both asleep before it appeared in the sky. We both saw it later when we got up to pee. It did appear larger than normal but without my glasses I couldn't really tell

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