Sunday, March 24, 2019

Day 6 Marker 410 to Waikerie 28 km

We were up and had breakfast before sunrise with a plan to be on the water early. The weather forecast indicated that it would get windy from early afternoon so we were trying to get to Waikerie early to avoid having to paddle against the wind again. It was perfectly still and we paddled 12 km by 10.00 am before taking a break. As has been the case for much of this leg there was a series of cliffs that we paddled past.

When we took a break for morning tea Joe discovered he had been sitting on a fish! It was only about whitebait size. Not sure how it arrived in the kayak seat but it was pretty flat after being crushed.

Close to 12.00 noon Waikerie came into view. As the main part of town is high on the cliffs overlooking the river we were beginning to wonder how we would get the kayaks up to the caravan park. About 2 km further on we sighted the ferry and then Riverside Park which is at river level.
Painted Silo - Waikerie

We parked the kayaks by the river and went to the caravan park to enquire a about a budget cabin. $100 is a bit more than our usual expenditure but we have been camping out the whole trip so we felt we deserved a little luxury. The cabin wasn’t ready for us so we dragged the kayaks up and showered in the general amenities block before heading into town for lunch at Supreme Eatz.

After lunch it was back to the cabin for an afternoon watching football. Dinner at the pub also involved watching football. Opting for the cabin turned out to be excellent judgement as there was a short cloud burst when we were getting dinner. There was no more rain but a nice dry cabin is always preferable to a wet tent.

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