Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 7 Waikerie

Joe went for a run around Hart Lagoon – 2 km down the track he ran into a bog and didn’t want to get his shoes wet so reversed and went around the other side. Most of the lagoon was dry but there was a bird hide and few kangaroos about. At the far end he ran out on to a gravel road and up a hill back to the main road. 12.6 km later he was back at the cabin.
A truck loaded with locally grown outside the Nippy’s fruit juice factory at  Waikerie

We checked out and went off looking for the Tourist Information booth which was not where some signs suggested it would be. Eventually we discovered it in the library. A helpful staff member pointed us to the Waikerie Garden Centre for bus tickets to Renmark. While we were there Joe decided to buy a weather vane but decided to wait until later in the day so we didn’t have to carry it around. Back to town for breakfast.

A short walk from the garden centre were some silos that had artwork on them which we took pictures of before purchasing the weather vane. Joe enjoyed a nice chat about chickens with the shopkeeper before we headed back to caravan park to stash the weather vane in Joe’s kayak.

The other painted silo - Waikerie 
After that we spent some time in Riverside Park before catching the bus to Renmark and walking to Paringa to collect the car. We then drove back to Waikerie to load the kayaks and then drove to Moorook where we camped overnight before driving home the next day. 

Another section of the river completed - only 384 km left to the Murray Mouth that hopefully we will get to do later this year.

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