Friday, November 9, 2018

Day 5- Marker 694 to Marker 636 Border Cliffs

This was my biggest day – I pushed hard all day and towards the end I was motivated by the map suggesting there was shop at my destination. Not long after breakfast I got a bonus of 4 km as there was a shortcut at Pollards Cutting. There was another cutting just before lunch but the was no bonus as the shortcut has become the actual course of the river according to the marker. Just near here I was able to pull up on a boat ramp for lunch.

Earlier in the morning I passed through Devils Elbow Bend. Marker 666 missing – was shown on the map further downstream. I was disappointed because I thought the number of the beast should be at Devils Elbow Bend.
Devils Elbow Bend

Early afternoon I crossed the border into South Australia. A little further on I noticed the river was now trending south whereas previously it has always been going north-west.

Towards 6 pm I came upon Border Cliffs and found there was shop servicing a Houseboat Hire Service. I was able to purchase a Magnum Ice Cream, 2 stubbies of Coopers Pale Ale and a large packet of potato crisps. There was a campsite a short distance away where I stopped for the nigh and indulged in high order gluttony. I only had a small dinner after consuming my purchases.

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