Saturday, November 10, 2018

Day 6 - Marker 636 to Marker 596

Another early start and another warm day. I made a detour of a kilometre to visit the Woolshed Brewery at Wilkadene. Mainly so I could send Tony a photo of me with a beer here. He has a cousin who lives nearby.

I ended the day not much further down the river opposite some cliffs with a lookout on “Crooked Straight”. It turned out to be a poor choice of campsite as it had a stink of rotting carp that had been left there by previous occupants.

There was also the Lookout on the cliffs opposite which had many visitors at sunset. It is probably a very good views with the reflections of the windy river and the colours of the red cliffs changing as the sun sinks in the West. It was lovely clear night and the stars were spectacular again.

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